Expedition Timeline

The most significant dates affecting the Lewis and Clark Expedition are listed here. Compiled by Jill Jackson with input from Gary Moulton, Don Peterson, Stephenie Ambrose Tubbs, Landon Jones, and Dick Smith. For more in-depth coverage, visit our educational website at https://lewis-clark.org/day-by-day/calendar. 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 […]

The Lewis and Clark Story

Here, the entire Lewis and Clark story is told in a single page. Prelude: 1803 to May 1804 In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson won approval from Congress for a visionary project that was to become one of American history’s greatest adventure stories. Jefferson wanted to know if Americans could journey overland to the Pacific Ocean […]

Meet the Corps Members

Information about the people in the Lewis and Clark Expedition including officers, enlisted men, and interpreters like Charbonneau and Sacagawea. For more in-depth articles, see our educational website at https://lewis-clark.org/primary/members. Captain Meriwether Lewis (1774–1809) Captain William Clark (1770–1838) Sergeant Charles Floyd (1782–1804) Sergeant Patrick McLene Gass (1771–1870) Sergeant John Ordway (ca. 1775–ca.1817) Sergeant Nathaniel Hale […]

Youth Patches

Learn about Lewis and Clark or provide a service along the historic trail and earn a patch. Several patches are available and each has its own set of requirements. Originally intended as Boy Scout patches, a patch can be earned by members of any youth organization. Badger State Sponsor: Great Lakes RegionRequirements and Application Carolina […]