We Proceeded On Discussions
The We Proceeded On discussion groups focus on a specific theme based on selected articles from our quarterly journal. They are held online, so if you need a meeting link and password, email us at info@lewisandclark.org .
Past discussions are archived here, and we update this page in advance of any upcoming meetings.
Past Discussions
Barb Kubik lead this inaugural WPO discussion group.
Discussion Articles
"Rethinking Toussaint Charbonneau." Camp, Carl. August 2005.
"Charbonneau Reconsidered." Rita Cleary, February 2000, Vol.26 No. 1, Page 18.
"More on Toussaint Charbonneau." J. I. Merritt, February 2000, Vol.26 No. 1, Page 22.
"Poor Charbonneau! Was he as incompetent as the journal/narratives make him out to be?." Robert E. Lange, May 1980, Vol.6 No. 2, Page 14.
"Voyageurs with the Lewis and Clark Expedition." Menad, O. p. 22- 30. February 2012.
"The War and the Corps: An Expedition Roster, 1812." Larry E. Morris, February 2018, Vol.44 No. 1, Page 6.
"The Struggle for French Identity on the Frontier: Lewis and Clark learned the importance of the Francophones to the fur trade during the Mandan winter of 1804-1805." Clifford Strieby, May 2010, Vol.36 No. 2, Page 28.
Paavo Hall led the discussion.
Discussion Articles
Evelyn L. Orr, "Gunshots at Grinder's Stand (Letter)," February 2006, Vol.32 No. 1, Page 2.
E.G. 'Frenchy' Chuinard, "How Did Meriwether Lewis Die? It was Murder (Part 1 of 3)," August 1991, Vol.17 No. 3, Page 4.
E.G. 'Frenchy' Chuinard, "How Did Meriwether Lewis Die? It was Murder (Part 2 of 3)," November 1991, Vol.17 No. 4, Page 4.
E.G. 'Frenchy' Chuinard, "How Did Meriwether Lewis Die? It was Murder (Part 3 of 3)," January 1992, Vol.18 No. 1, Page 4.
Clay S. Jenkinson, "Uncovering the Truth about Meriwether Lewis (Book Review)," May 2012, Vol.38 No. 2, Page 32.
David J. Peck, "The Death of Meriwether Lewis: Exploring the myths and probabilities surrounding the controversy," November 2009, Vol.35 No. 4, Page 16.
Tony L. Turnbow, "The Man Who Abandoned Meriwether Lewis," May 2012, Vol.38 No. 2, Page 20.
Beverly Lewis lead the discussion.
Discussion Articles
Donald Jackson, "Call Him a Good Old Dog, But Don't Call Him Scannon," August 1985, Vol.11 No. 3, Page 5.
John D. W. Guice, "Seaman's fate (Letter)," August 2000, Vol.26 No. 3, Page 3.
James J. Holmberg, "Seaman's Fate? Lewis's dog probably survived him," February 2000, Vol.26 No. 1, Page 7.
John C. Jackson, "A Dog's Life in the Far West: Speculation on the fate of the big Newfoundland than accompanied Lewis & Clark," February 2011, Vol.37 No. 1, Page 19.
Related: We Proceeded On | Events Calendar
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